
If you have incurred a loss, and your insurance company has covered it, you do not need to take further action. During the criminal proceedings, the insurance company may request that the perpetrator repay the compensation it has paid to you if he or she is convicted.
If you do not have insurance, or if your insurance does not cover your (entire) loss, you can ask the police to include your claim for compensation if the case goes to court. The police will need proof of your loss. You may also attend the court hearing yourself and put forward your claim for compensation. The police can help you with any questions about compensation.
Compensation under the Victims Compensation Act
If you have suffered injuries, for example after violence, you may sometimes be eligible for compensation from the state due to the crime you suffered. You are normally only eligible for compensation under the Victims Compensation Act if you report the crime to the police within 72 hours of the incident. The claim for notification within 72 hours does not apply in cases of rape, incest and sexual abuse of children committed after April 1, 2016.
You can read more about the conditions for getting compensation under the Victims Compensation Act on the website of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
On the website of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, you can also find the form you need to fill in to apply for compensation.
If you have a legal advocate, he or she can help you calculate the claim for compensation. The police can also help you with the process of applying for compensation.