The police interview of victims

If you have been the victim of crime, the police will interview you about what happened. The interview will normally take place at the local police station. The police may also interview you at the scene of the crime or by telephone. The police will transcribe your statement in a police report. You will have the option to read the report and sign it. Sometimes the police may have to interview you several times during the investigation.
Photo identification procedure
In connection with an interview, the police may also want you to take part in a photo identification procedure if they are unsure who the perpetrator is. The police will show you a binder of photographs of possible perpetrators to look through to see if you recognise the perpetrator.
The police will also interview others who may have something to do with the case. This could be the person the police suspect of committing the crime (and who may even have been provisionally charged). There are often also other witnesses who have to give their accounts of the case.
Children under the age of 15
Children under the age of 15 who are victims of sexual assault or violence will normally be video-recorded while being interviewed. This means the child’s own explanation is recorded on video. The video may be used as evidence during the potential trial so that the child does not have to testify in court. Read more about video interviewing of children.