- Witness, victim or suspect
- The criminal justice process
Are you a victim of crime?
- Have you been a victim of violence or a similar crime?
- Have you been a victim of psychological violence?
- Have you been sexually assaulted?
- Have you experienced theft or a similar crime?
- Have you been victimised, harassed, or stalked?
- Are you a relative of a victim?
- Are you closely related to a child who has been sexually assaulted?
- Are you under the age of 18 and victim of sexual assault?
- Reporting the crime
- Are you a victim of crime abroad?
- The police interview
- Medical examination
- Contact person
- Legal advocate
- Compensation
- About giving evidence in court
- Witness compensation
- What if I get sick or am prevented from coming to the court hearing?
- Can I avoid giving evidence as a witness?
- Can I be anonymous when giving evidence as a witness?
- Can I be shown special consideration when I appear in court as a witness?
- When the case is closed
- Participation in victim-offender mediation
- Have you witnessed a crime?
- Are you provisionally charged in a criminal case?
- Help and guidance
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